Posts Tagged ‘airline employees’


Not yet…

August 22, 2011

No, I am not in Barcelona. No, I am not in Europe. I have not yet left the US. Sigh.

To make a long story short, I’ve spent the last 9 hours waiting in at least 7 different lines, talking to at least 20 different airline employees, breaking down and crying once, and only taking a single hour-long flight.

Stupid thunderstorms.

I would give more information about what the heck is going on here but my “safety and security” meeting from Gordon told me not to share exact flight information over the internet to protect from “cyber kidnappers”. So, whatever.

The main point is: I am still in the US. I will be late to orientation. I have yet to hear from CIEE about anything, and I get to spend most of the day tomorrow in a semi-crappy US city waiting to take my flight. Oh, joy.

On the bright side, there are some really great people out there. 🙂 While I was breaking down and crying in the airport, some really nice woman came up to me and talked me through it and bought me a coffee drink at Caribou. We talked everything through and she even managed to find me a better flight than what the silly airline woman was able to get me. Of course, my plane was delayed so long that I didn’t make that flight that would have gotten me to Barcelona by tomorrow evening, but ah well. It was nice anyway. Also, I found another study abroad student who had the same problem, but she’s on her way to India instead. We teamed up so that we can at least comfort each other in this airline mess.

Oh, and I also was sitting next to a guy from Madrid on the plane. That was cool! I was gonna talk to him more about Madrid/Spain but I kind of retreated into my little hermit-like shell and so that didn’t happen. Stress will do that.

Ah, life. Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da, life goes on, brah, la la how the life goes on.